Merry Christmas Mr Jones

One cannot walk the streets of any urban neighbourhood at this time of year without sunglasses to block out the glare emanating from houses wishing to shout their approval of the festive period.

Multitudes of blue, red, green and white lights seem to adorn every house, and the Jones'* tree is so big this year that the fairy adored by all (but yet strangely thrown into a box at the back of the loft for the other 11 months) is now horizontal as the top branch bends at a 90 degree angle to accommodate the stippled artexing of the lounge ceiling.

Through a window a father sits with his sons to watch the latest instalment of James Bond, while mothers and daughters curse that fact that their turkey this year is 26.3% bigger than their Aga. (Worked out on Fathers new calculator)

Suddenly, father jumps up from his chair as his mobile vibrates on the table among the discarded wrapping paper still creating a fire hazard from that morning. Grabbing the device, he moves with practised silence into the downstairs loo, phone in hand to wish his other family a merry Christmas.

You see, this festive picture has two very distinct layers - Layer one is what we have just shared, but layer two is situated 45 miles away in another town. Not dissimilar in make-up, layer two contains a tree, a turkey, a son and a mother and all the festivity one could hope for. The only difference? When layer one contains a father, layer two doesn't, and vice versa.

One man living two lives, and, as they say, never the twain shall meet. Unless of course, the wife from layer one phones us the week previous to this to find out why her husband is away six months of the year and can only share every other Christmas with her and their family.

This case was closed almost a year ago, but as i walk the streets again and see the same familiar lights super-glued to houses i do wonder where Mr Jones* is spending Christmas this year and cant help but ask myself "Will that 8 foot tree fit in a bedsit?"

The Black Cat Investigations Team would like to wish all of our clients, past, present and future, a merry and peaceful Christmas...

*As usual, this is as assumed name!

RIP Claudia

A strong member of a team can be defined by the way they work with others, the way they go beyond the call of duty for a client and the way they push the bounderies to see through a smokescreen to the actual flames shrouded beneath.

Not always the most outspoken, the most noticed nor the most involved, they are never the less a vital link in the chain without whom the entire machine would eventually seize and grind to a halt.

Thus, to lose a member of the team, one who has been with us from the start and one who has immortalised our philosophy of Honesty, Integrity and Quality is a blow that leaves one questioning the higher powers as to why she should be taken from us during the prime of her life.

I speak of Claudia, who at just a few years old was recently lost, falling foul of the heat given by the exhaust of a Jaguar XJ6. A finer GPS tracking device we couldnt have asked for and thus this blog entry is dedicated to her and the bush she now lies in, somewhere off the A1 in London.

(And Sophie, Beryl and Crystal - The other bugs we have lost to battery failure, mechanical faults and speed humps respectively!)

We are the good guys!

It goes without saying that we would prefer that you choose appoint us as your Agency but we also know that 6% of people that call us decide not to. If you do decide to appoint another Agency, use this list to identify tell-tale signs that all is not what it seems...!

No-one is ever available to answer the phone. This normally indicates that the owner of the business works full time doing something else and uses your money to fill his evenings!

They answer the phone 'hullo?!'. You are dealing with a business and should expect as a minimum to hear the business name upon connection. If you don't, where has your call been diverted to?

Be wary of anyone quoting very low prices! If someone is only charging £60 for hours of surveillance, what does that tell you about the job they will do, the equipment they use and the manpower they have? It is better to pay more and get the job done in a shorter time.

What equipment do they have? Are all of the tracking devices conveniently out on 'jobs' at the moment? This normally means that the haven't spent the £8350 on tracking devices that we have to make sure they are always here if you need them!

Do they bother to find out about your situation or just give you figures? If its just prices they are interested in, what does this tell you about their commitment to your case?

When the phone goes through to an answering machine, does it simply say "...This is an answering machine, leave your message..." Be wary!!

There are many companies doing what we do. In fact some of them have even complimented us by trying to copy our website but there is only one Black Cat Investigations Ltd and luckily for our clients, we will always be here 24/7 to offer advice, guidance and support when you really need it.